July 7, 2024

Every time someone passes, it hurts our hearts because their absence means a special place is left empty. When it comes out of the blue, it makes the absence even more hollow. News of retired WFAA Production Manager (and my friend from college) JERRY CADIGAN’s passing has left a vacant spot in the ‘go to’ department since Jerry was that guy. He knew everything. No googling for him…he had all the info about production in his head. Even at SMU, where the studio was crowded with dinosaur-sized vidicon cameras, Jerry knew all about whatever we were doing. He could punch the control board. He could roll up the myriad of cords and make them look like wreaths handing on the wall. He was always rather quiet – never seeking attention for his contributions to all we did. A humble man who had bright eyes and a kind smile. His son Trevor followed in his Dad’s footsteps and was a reporter in NYC for Business Insider. He was tragically killed in a helicopter crash in 2018. Jerry’s daughter Kathleen shared the sad news of her father’s passing. Jerry worked at WFAA for 50 years…imagine that. Even if you never knew him, please know that a wonderful man is gone, and we are all the lesser for it. Peace to you, Jerry.

Think About this: “Inn the midst of death, life persists. In the midst of untruth, truth persists. In the midst of darkness, life exists.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi