February 26, 2025

Anybody else find it difficult to get out of bed after a glitchy night trying to sleep? Anybody else have an ongoing queasy feeling that never really fades? Do those handfuls of aspirin help at all? Welcome to Winter 2025. It sucks. Even in nice weather locales, it beats down on your psyche and leaves bruises. The negativity stems from the collapse of the media world in addition to the collapse of the government that we felt would always be a granite base to our life. If you don’t think what is happening in DC is a coup, then stop reading right now and get off this site.

I hear from many, many of you. All seeking an ear to hear their situations, their hopes for the future. And today, that future got better. Yes, it did. Why you ask. Because the long-promised presentation about how to take your skills and talents and background out of the media and into a business area where you will be happier, more respected, and useful has brought on a like-minded soul who wants to help you feel empowered. SYDNEY RUBIN, who many of you know from her days doing TV promo and working at Magid, will be partner and presenter. Love when two people find themselves thinking along the same lines, each on different coasts.

So stay tuned to find out details, dates, and how to be part of it. Keep reading these posts and know that we are all in this together. We will not fail to rise from any depth. Imagine how Churchill felt and look what he did…saved the world and his beloved homeland. Against all odds.

Job Alert – Promotion Manager WFXT Boston

Think About This: “Alone we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.”  ~  Helen Keller

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