July 1, 2024

As so often previously stated, Creative Marketing Directors make GREAT General Managers. Joining the club of GM’s formerly CSD’s (or whatever the current inane title chosen) is Memphis’ CHRISTOPHER FRANKLIN named GM at the Tegna ABC/CW duop WATN/WMLT.  The Fisk grad had been Marketing Director at the stations and served on the ABC Marketing Advisory Board. He’s done graphics for Fox in Memphis as well as owned his own production company. He’s a great choice. Well Dunne! Chris!

Yes, this post is meant for creatives, but there’s a lady you should know about. She’s been helping creatives for years. And I mean years. 51 to be exact. PATTY SLUDER has been a vital part of WTWO in Terre Haute in their business office and is always such a delight to deal with. Let’s have 51 Well Dunne!s for her!!

Job Alert – Art Director KIAH Houston

Job Alert – Creative Services Director WIAT Birmingham

Think About This: “We witness other people’s storms from the shelter of our own perspectives. Let’s be mindful that we don’t add the cold rain of judgement to their already soaked spirits.”  ~  Liz Newman