It’s very sobering when a fully uniformed police officer appears on the beach and tells you to evacuate or, if you chose not to, write information on your arm in permanent marker so your body can be identified. The bridges to Longboat Key were closing and we had two hours to drive away. That was a relatively weak hurricane, but it still did damage. Scared my family. Needed more information. A distinct example of why local news is critical. While Milton rages and the reporters are doing their best to let us know how bad things are, some big Well Dunne! kudos go to ALL the people from Fort Myers to Tampa, Sarasota to Orlando…who were working to make sure their viewers had what they needed to know. I dread to see what has gone on overnight.
Several of Well Dunne! Talent’s voices are impacted by this. More updates later.
JOB ALERT – Marketing Producer KXAN Austin (work with Erik Candiani!)
Think About This: “When safety is first, you last.” ~ unknown