December 22, 2022

Today, it’s about holiday feelings. At this most wonderful time of the year, as the song goes, and we wander about our holiday memories, feeling at one moment a youthful happiness that defies description combined with the aching echo of loss from those who have left us, know that each one of you has brought meaning to the day-to-day life this writer leads. Sharing your excitement is better than any bottle of Pol Roger Champagne. Listening when you feel low has been a lesson leading to better times. Let me share what I wrote last Christmas Eve. Believe.

I believe that if you sit under the Christmas tree, on Christmas Eve, ever so quietly….If you let the lights, the sparkles and the colors mix with the smell of the pine and the choir singing your favorite carol…if you do this, you will feel the presence of those who have left us, and you can, in a magical moment that defies description, hear their joyful laughter once again.

May the memories of this time be happy and may 2023 bring so much laughter, you’ll spend the year with aching sides and smile muscles that get the workout of their life.

Be back in 2023 (or before if warranted). Stay warm!