January 3, 2020

Have you ever dialed a phone number, thinking you were dialing one person and got another? Sure, we all have. It happened today and it was such a perfect wrong number that it must have been in the stars. KMID’s CAMERON NORWOOD answered the phone and yes, he is currently the Promo Honcho (my title) for the Nexstar station cluster in Midland/Odessa, Texas. The Permian Basin. He’s actually a TV News producer and journalist who is handling the marketing duties at the moment before jumping back into the news pool. A native of the west Texas twin cities, his mother gets multiple gold stars for his exemplary manners. He’s worked in the Big O and shared that the giant jackrabbit in the downtown parking lot is just one of many giant rabbits across the area…you know what they say about rabbits multiplying like, well, jackrabbits. In addition to the resume lines in Odessa, Cameron spent time in Tulsa at KTUL producing news. His sojourn in the promo end of station life gave rise to the question – why aren’t there Boxing Days at stations? Spend time in the other’s job shoes…get a feel for overall operational processes…learn by hands-on doing. It’s the best way to learn. So….TV Boxing Day. Do it. As for Cameron, Well Dunne! Mr. Norwood.

Think About This:  “No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. ANY amount of gratitude changes the present.”  ~  Ann Voskamp