July 9, 2021

Well look who dropped by for a lovely glass of iced tea and a little chat – SASSY HR LADY. However does she look so fresh and cool in this hot summer? Sassy has some direction for us, so let’s get down to it. Today’s question is: why do companies make you fill in your background info when they have your resume (both required) as well? Isn’t that insulting and a major waste of time and really tacky of any company that wants it?  But there’s a reason, n’est-ce pas?

Sassy says, oui, there is a reason. Mon dieu it’s really one that would make you slap yourself for laughing at the wrong time! What better way of saving aforementioned time (which we know is money) than forcing jobseekers to enter all their private information into glitchy, slow websites? Sweeties, the jobseeker (you) enters all the data the companies need to keep for record-keeping/legal purposes, so that’s a plus on their side. If you’re working with a recruiter, the recruiter wants the resume because they’d rather use a resume than go through all that ^&%$ (Oh no Miss Sassy…this is a nice blog!)  you just entered on the site. But treat the recruiter like your very wealthy Great Aunt Ethyl, since you’re dead to the company until the recruiter decides you’re… not. PS-Most of them don’t read cover letters, so save that letter for the hiring manager who actually knows something about the job.

 Job Alert – Creative Services Producer WPHL Philadelphia

Job Alert – Creative Services Producer WCMH Columbus O

Think About This: “whatever you do today, do it with the confidence of a 4-year-old in a Batman shirt.”  ~  thanks, KIMAY for the sentiment