June 13, 2022

There’s a new member of the “One Time Marketing Director now General Manager” club. Rather exclusive but totally the best folks. The lovely person getting the ‘corner office’ is MELISSA CRAWFORD; we call her Missy. She’s going to head up San Diego’s NBC duop, KNSD and KUAN which is NBC and Telemundo respectively. Going all the way across country for her new position – she has been VP of creative and marketing at NBC flagship WNBC in NYC. The move to San Diego is actually a return to California. Missy was a long time creative pro for KGO in San Francisco and she also headed up branding and strategy at KNTV in San Jose, which we all know is on the south end of the San Francisco Bay. A very sincere, happy and hearty Well Dunne! Ms. General Manager.

Job Alert – Marketing and Communications Manager Scripps Howard Foundation  Cincinnati

Think About This: “You can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed.”  ~  Misty Copeland