June 15, 2021

Break out the confetti and champagne….the Well Dunne! Talent blog is introducing its newest contributor (and one who will be a regular) THE SASSY HR LADY. Sassy, as her friends are allowed to call her, will be our go-to source for those puzzling questions about the workings of HR. You know, the ones ya’ll email and text and call me about. In hopes of making the world a better, most understood place, Sassy will be available to answer all sorts of queries about getting jobs, getting ahead, and even post-employment advice. Take it away Sassy….

QUESTION: Why don’t employers acknowledge receipt of applications when applying for a position?

SASSY: Oh honey…I can’t use that kind of language in your blog. BUT, there are reasons. We don’t need to agree with them, but here ya go.  #1 – Hiring Managers are just one part of HR, so you won’t be dealing with the head of the division, or even one of their own, many times when you apply. Sure, a simple reply would be divine, but most people’s manners aren’t what they should be, right? #2 – Girl, have you SEEN the amount of paperwork HR has to do with EEO tracking? #3 – The HR department likes to compile a lot of metrics about their “pipeline” of applicants. To quote a friend’s sister’s CPA – Nobody cares. But ya gotta remind the boss you’re valuable, right? #4 – Lots of recruiters have no (and I mean zero, nada, not even an atom’s worth of) experience in creative work. So, basically #5– There is no good reason to not have a polite reply when someone sends in their work in hopes of getting a job.

Please submit questions for me, Sassy for next time. Ciao!

Think About This:  “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.”  ~  Thomas Edison