June 23, 2020

Heading up the east coast, all the way from Miami to NYC…that guy would be ANDREW F JOHNSON, who is trading the Peacock for the Mouse. Mr. J has taken the Manager, Affiliate Relations for Walt Disney Television in the Big Apple and is leaving behind his Manager, Marketing and Promotions for NBC in the Magic City. Sidebar – Miami’s nickname is Magic City and that is also the title of an interesting limited series of the same name. Andrew started his career in Palm Springs as a photog and editor. Great base on which to build. He then landed a gig at KUSI in San Diego, where he went to college. That job led to his bringing talent to Fox in DC, NBC in San Fran and NYC, then jumped back to Palm Springs and into marketing, which he had studied at Asford U. Already told you about the rest, which we all know is just prelude to life. We know he’ll be lovin’ the new opportunity and the town that never sleeps. Well Dunne! Andrew.

Job Alert – VP Creative and Strategic Marketing KNTV San Francisco market

Think About This: “Truth never damages a cause that is just.” ~ Gandhi