May 1, 2021

When a creative leaves the planet, it always feels a little colder, a little emptier, and much less happy. Creatives seem to be the ones whose smiles power the troops…the ones who turn around a blue day and make it a rainbow of colors and possibilities. If you’re feeling that echo from someone who has left us, you feel the absence of ARTHUR GREENWALD. You might recognize his name from pieces he wrote for TV Newscheck or Broadcasting & Cable…or you might have been lucky enough to work with him when he was Creative Services Director for Group W TV or Evening Magazine. He’s been a producer and consultant for his own enterprise for quite some time, and he was honestly one of the people who knew everything going on in ‘the biz.’ Friendly beyond compare, and smart as a whip, Arthur leaves behind memories of laughter and joy too numerous to count. That adds up to a life Well Dunne…..

Think About This: “Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.”  ~  Vicki Harrison