May 16, 2022

As time marches on, the youthful business of television is aging fast. The pioneering people who jumped into the novice endeavor when it was just beginning set the pace, tone, and bar for all that has followed. Most didn’t run networks or receive profile stories in now-shuttered magazines, but they were most important and should not pass without note. LEE ARMSTRONG LUMPKIN lost a colleague recently and we should all know of her. Her name: JANE DOWDEN GRAMS. She was the first women general manager of a TV station when, in 1975, she was tapped to lead WTVC, ABC in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was a Tennessee lady, born and raised, who spent her career years working in the south before retiring to Scottsdale, where she left us all. Jane achieved in the areas of advertising, syndication and management. Her many benchmarks are too numerous to list in a quick entry but read about her here . All you lady GM’s (and Lee herself was one and an amazing one at that)…and there are so many of you…you should say a private Thanks to the lady who broke a glass ceiling and then made sure nobody got cut on the shards.

Following in his father’s footsteps is HUNTER BOENAU, recently graduated son of KOLD GM ROB BOENAU. Hunter is about to begin as a marketing producer in Myrtle Beach at WMBF. Now we know where to find those scarce promo producers…you grow them yourself. Well Dunne! Hunter. (and Rob).

Job Alert – Creative Services Producer WJHL Johnson City TN

Think About This: “Somewhere a tree remembers you because it enjoyed your company. Somewhere a dandelion is alive and feeding a bumble because you blew on it to make a wish. We all make a difference in the world. For most of us, it’s a tiny difference, but oh how adorable that difference is!”  ~  from a friend’s FB post