May 9, 2022

Ah, Mother’s Day was wonderful and it’s hard to get back in the swing, Gonna take a topic today and we’ll get back to people tomorrow.

Guess how many people who are recently hired are wanting to quit? Already! Go on – guess. If you said 50% – you win the pizza. When asked why they were on the way out the door, some say their jobs fell short of their expectations or were “dramatically different from what was advertised,” writes Fortune.

I see jobs described that are so off…so not what the station/network/cable net wants, it amazes me that the erroneous posting even gets out the door. So the question is – can you actually describe and list what you want in a creative hire? Do you assign requirements in order of importance? If not, why? Do you place more store in one thing over another? Then make that clear. In today’s world, is it possible that someone whose resume doesn’t exactly match word-for-word (giving those computer resume scans the middle finger) is going to be overlooked and yet they would nail the job and excel? Been working with some outstanding HR folks yet they report many of the jobs listed are written by the CSD/MD and so the burden is upon your shoulders. There are so many wonderfully talented and creative people and so many needs to fill. Let’s make it easier. You’ll save yourself time and the company money as well.

To those who think I am the new (female) Andy Rooney, please find me a network gig and salary and I will reward you handsomely.  

Job Alert – Manager Consumer Marketing, Nickelodeon (Paramount) NYC

Job Alert – Marketing Producer KFSM Fayetteville AR

Think About This: “If you are willing to abandon your principles for convenience or social acceptability, they are not your principles. They are your costume.”  ~ Nitya Prakash