September 1, 2021

Starting September off with the most wonderful news from a most wonderful guy. STAN MELTON JR is going to be Director of Community and Promotions for The Washington Post. Yes, the best newspaper in the country (sorry NYT, but…). Mr. Stan is so well deserving of this spot, due of course to his TV marketing background. He most recently led the creative team for ABC in DC, WJLA, and it was shocking to those of us who know him when he was downsized. After all, he had led their marketing twice in his career. Now he’s landed in a spot so much better for his talents. His background includes being head creative in San Diego at KGTV and KENS in San Antonio, having learned ‘the biz’ as writer producer at WFAA and KXAS in the Dallas market. He also spent time editing at KOCO in OKC and used his Univ of Dallas Masters at the Salvation Army. Never knew anyone who wasn’t buoyed by his creativity and happy approach to life. He’s a gem. Sign up for a subscription now and let the Post know they are lucky to have him. He’s a super family man, an avid Washington baseball fan and, if you don’t know him, remedy that. Well Dunne! Stan.

Job Alert – Promo Writer-Producer WKRN Nashville

Think About This:  “If I were to say, ‘God, why me?’ about the bad things, then I should have said, ‘God, why me?’ about the good things that happened in my life. “  ~ Arthur Ashe