August 21, 2023

It’s really difficult to put words to feelings when those feelings are long held and deep. That’s the case with the following bit of change involving a man I considered a Go-To, a helper, a man you would want to be stranded on a desert island with, and a TV Insider. DENNIS FITCH was introduced to me by JOHN TISCHENDORF when we were in LA for some kind of meeting slash weekend bash. Dennis had the most wonderful business card. It read Dennis Fitch – President Even Days. His agency was aptly named The Agency and he knew everybody in the TV marketing game. He was more fascinating than any script and listening to him made time fly so quickly it was hard to grasp. Sharing long lunches at Uncle Ho Tai’s on The Boulevard, Dennis was instructor, friend, informant and advisor, doling out the best advice ever. He knew co-op, which this writer found daunting at first. But Denny’s calm guidance made all the difference. No visit to LA was complete without seeing him and GEORGIA SCOTT. Like a steady beacon from a lighthouse, you knew you’d never hit rocks because he would make sure you steered clear. His lovely daughter DENISE joined her dad and is now going to helm the company when he steps away from the day to day grind. Her business card will read Denise Fitch President All Days. Well Dunne! to a truly lovely man and his very talented daughter. It will be my pleasure to buy you lunch and catch up soon.

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Think About This: “So long and thanks for all the fish.”  ~ Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy