June 30, 2021

RAY JACOBS is one of those talents that is hard to describe – because his work sweeps across the spectrum and far exceeds his competition. As the first name of Jacobs & Gerber, his company was one of the first phone calls networks made when they needed spots and campaigns that grabbed the viewer by the eyeballs and got their attention. It was just one of two agencies he founded. Ray was never one to sit and be idle, even now when he’s not on the entertainment marketing treadmill. He’s taken his artistic abilities and put them to a new use – one that you and your friends can enjoy. Say hello to TypeFace. Gonna let him tell his own story…

“TypeFace” was created on morning when I awoke and had the idea of making faces out of the elements in type fonts. My father, Harry Jacobs, was a hand-lettering instructor at Chouinard’s Art Institute in L.A. I learned how to letter when I was five years old. I was also naturally talented as a young artist. My career spanned over 50 years in the entertainment segment of the advertising industry. I co-founded two highly successful ad agencies, specializing in the entertainment and news sector.

“TypeFace” was created about two years ago, and is now in production, producing hats with “TypeFace” designs on them. The goal is to continue to produce the hats, and add totes, towels, jewelry, clothing, gifts, etc. “TypeFace” will become a fashion line in time. My partners include Barry Rosenthal, and Stefeno Hats.

This is a unique design motif, since I was raised to appreciate the history, beauty and knowledge of the letter form by one of the greatest lettering artists of his time. As time went by, I added animal faces to the human faces, a suggestion from one of America’s greatest graphic designers, Larry Vigon. I’ve had great reaction from FB connections, and requests for when the products will be available. No date yet, but this year, I’m sure, we’ll be offering hats.

Yes, you’ll be updated on availability of TypeFace the minute it is…Well Dunne! Ray.

Job Alert – Sr. Promo Producer/Writer/Editor NewsNation Chicago

Think About This:  “The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.”  ~  Dieter F. Uchtdorf