October 16, 2020

Not only has Phoenix had the longest run of days where the temps have gone north of 100…in a row…but that heat is rising JORDANA HOUCHINS to a new role with Meredith. She’s been tapped to be Creative Group Manager for the CBS side of their new redrawn, reimagined marketing efforts. Ms. J has been with Meredith as the #2 at Meredith’s KPHO/KTVK in the hot desert city, so this is going to expand on her talents. She’s a pro with creative slots in LA, Charlotte and Seattle. Doesn’t have to move and gets to stay close to family. It’s a win-win-win for sure. Well Dunne! Jordana.

Job Alert – this is a real job that seems quite unique Director of Digital Marketing for Forest Lawn Cemetary in LA.

Think About This: “A smile is the best makeup any girl can use.” ~ Marilyn Monroe