RIP Tom Hebel

Why has so much time passed without writing about the loss of TOM HEBEL, who left this realm in late September due to cancer? Because it’s just so sad. There is far too much sadness right now. This posting site is supposed to lift spirits and bring a moment of smiles to a world that seems nothing less than insane and unpredictable. The fact that cancer has taken another wonderfully entertaining and creative member of the marketing community is crushing while maddening. Tom, who left his mark on Chicago’s ABC station WLS and CBS’ WBBM as well as Nexstar’s NBC affil WFLA, was a grad of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is missed by his family and friends and members of his large professional circle. God bless you, Tom.

Think About This: “Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows.”  ~  Michael Landon